Monday, November 21, 2011

Barth Family

So it can be a little difficult to photograph children at times.  I'm not saying I don't enjoy it, because I really do, but depending on the children it can be a little tricky.  If they are too young you just spend most of the time running around trying to get lucky when they look up at the camera, usually on accident.  Kids don't care, you can't expect them to. 
EXCEPTION: These 3 children below. 
I had so much fun! Especially the little girls, they just loved every minute of it. They had all these little poses ready to go, little natural born models. I also loved how Cindy chose to dress them. They actually look like kids, not miniature adults with 15 too many accessories. They just look so sweet and innocent, just how you should want to remember your little ones. Thanks Cindy and Garret for letting me hang out with your kids!

1 comment:

  1. Love it! You gave me exactly what I asked for, thank you thank you!


